After a successful and wickedly fun debut, OMEN hosts the second film in IT CAME FROM THE CLOSET, a reading and screening series focused on horror movies through a queer lens, inspired by the 2022 collection of essays of the same name. This month, join us for THE BLOB (1988, dir. Chuck Russell) paired with the essay Indescribable by Carrow Narby. This month's special guest artist will be Carrow Narby!
Join us for drinks, a film screening, and an informal post-screening discussion after.

Le Mondo | 406 N Howard, Baltimore
When: Monday, November 13th
Doors/Bar: 7PM | Event: 7:30PM
$7 with online RSVP
NOTE: This Boovie (boo! movies! boobies?) series is focused on queer, trans, and female voices in discussions around horror. If you aren't in those categories - you are welcome to come out, but step back because you ain't getting center stage. ;)

Want in on the reading action?
Now until December 31, you can purchase a copy of It Came From the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror for 20% off from our friends at Feminist Press!
Sign up on the OMEN email list for event updates and to grab the discount code!
After 12/31, you can always purchase locally from our buds at Red Emmas or Greedy Reads.

OMEN is an informal, Baltimore-based horror movie club for women, trans, and gender-nonconforming folx. In watching and discussing horror from a variety of times and places, we explore our fears and passions through the genre, pulling our own experiences and self-identities out of the masturbatory loop of cismale-centered creation and critique. You can find us on the IG. (Sometimes we even update it!)

Carrow Narby is a hobbyist writer based on the north shore of Massachusetts. Their essays have been featured in Bitch, The Toast, and The Establishment, but they are currently focused on writing fiction. You can explore their work at carrownarby.com.
THE BLOB (1988)
Directed by Chuck Russell, Written by Chuck Russell & Frank Darabont

From the minds that brought you A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, comes another surprisingly delightful and clever horror film. In a picturesque Americana town, a satellite carrying a goopy organism crashes down in the middle of the night. As it moves, it consumes and dissolves every creature in its path, becoming bigger and bigger. Where did it come from? Can anything stop its reign of terror??
This remake of The Blob (1958) produces a decidedly more cynical (and fun!) take on the classic drive-in monster flick. The film plays with and upends the genre conventions and archetypes of the original every step of the way. The result is a candy-colored, Reagan-era paranoia fest where NO ONE is safe and the monster does not come from outer space, but is of our own making.
Written by Carrow Narby

In Indescribable, Carrow Narby relates the iconic blob monster, who "never seems to get much attention as a queer figure", to their own queerness, bodily form, and desire for an "impossible" intimacy that resists and exists far outside of legibility, language, scrutiny, or reproduction. Through the films, The Blob (1988) and Society (1989), Narby posits the queer horror of the blob because it "violates corporeal, social, and conceptual boundaries by collapsing mutually exclusive, and thus constitutive, categories". In other words, structure and function, what is and what isn't, is dissolved. The threat of the blob is the breakdown between the self and other.